Anatomy of the Human Eye – Parts of the Eye Explained

Parts of the Eye Explained

From the moment your eyes open in the morning, to when you turn off the lights to sleep at night, your eyes are taking in information so you are aware of your surroundings at all times. How often do you take your eyesight for granted? The eyes play an essential role in everyday activities, even when you don’t know what makes the eyes work or how your eyes and brain are processing images.

Eyes: A Built-In Camera

Your eyes work in a similar way as a camera. Pictures are captured and sent to the brain, where the information is processed and categorized. As the light passes through your eye, it is picked up in the back area of the eye. Then, this picture is changed to a message that can be sent to a part of the brain which handles visual processing.

For this process to work, multiple parts of the eye need to be working together. In the same way that a camera will malfunction if the lens is blocked or a part is broken, your eyes need to have functional parts for your vision to be accurate and clear.

 Parts of the Eye (And What They Do)

If you want to understand how various conditions and diseases affect the eye, then you need to know how the eyes work. Here is an overview of the many important parts within your eye and how they impact your vision:

The different parts of the eye are all unique, but each is an important piece of a whole system to help you see.


How Eye Changes Affect Your Vision

As changes occur in one or more parts of the eye, it can have an impact on your vision. For example, when the curve of the cornea changes, it affects the way the light is reflected on the retina, which in turn makes it difficult to focus on the things that you are seeing. Other eye conditions can impact vision as well. Corrective lenses can be worn, such as glasses or contact lenses, which adjust the way the light enters the eye and hits the retina. Or, some people choose laser eye surgery to reshape the cornea.

If you are ready to get rid of your glasses and contacts, then contact us to learn more about the benefits of LASIK eye surgery. Our team at LasikPlus will discuss your options and help you find the right provider to assist with your eye care. Schedule an appointment online or call us at 1.866.755.2026.