• See the Difference: Save $1,000 on LASIK ,   Find More

    *Must mention this promotion and be treated in February of 2025 to qualify. $1,000 off for both eyes on standard Wavelight price, $500 off for one eye. Cannot be combined with any other offers.

What is your educational and professional background?

Many patients fear that asking too many questions of medical providers will cause the physicians to become irritated and unwilling to treat the patients. In most cases, this apprehension is completely unfounded. Physicians, especially surgeons, are committed to their patients and work to provide excellent care. LASIK surgeons are no different.

When meeting your prospective LASIK physician for the first time, it is perfectly acceptable to ask about his education, medical residency and previous practices. Some physicians may even offer this information to you without you having to ask. Also, inquire about a surgeon’s certification status. An experienced, qualified LASIK surgeon should hold a certification from the <a href=”http://www.aoa.org/” target=”_blank”>American Optometric Association</a> (AOA) or similar organization.

If the physician you are speaking with holds no such certifications, you should ask why. On the rare occasion that the physician is reluctant to answer questions about his background, seek a consultation with another doctor.